
Don't judge a book by its cover.

Book Facts

  1. Did you know, the fear of running out of something to read is called Abibliophobia.
  2. The world’s smallest book is Teeny Ted from Turnip Town. The book is in production and measures 100 micrometers by 70 micrometers.
  3. There are four law books bound in human skin at the Harvard University Library.
  4. Fact has it that former American President Theodore Roosevelt read one book a day. Reading every day can reduce your stress levels and help with depression.
  5. People say the longest sentence to ever be printed in literature belongs to Victor Hugo. The claim is that in Les Misérables there is a sentence which is 823 words long.
  6. 1 in 5 adults around the world cannot read or write. In the western world we take for granted our education system and sometimes forget about the people in the less privileged parts.
  7. Up to 50 books can be made from 1 tree.
  8. The most expensive book in the world is Codex Leicester by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was purchased by Bill Gates for 30.8 million dollars.
  9. In America, the most banned books are Harry Potter. The apparent reasons are because they promote witchcraft, they set bad examples and are too dark.
  10. To write a novel, it takes around 475 hours.
  11. The Holy Bible, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and Harry Potter are the 3 most read books in the world.
  12. A study found that you are 2.5 times less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in later life if you read regularly.
  13. Mark Twain’s, Adventure of Tom Sawyer is said to be the first novel written on a typewriter.
  14. On estimate, there are over 900,000 new books published each year.
  15. Lord of the Ring author, J.R.R Tolkien typed the whole trilogy with just two fingers!
  16. Facts Found Here
Trade Net Revenue by Book Format(in millions)
August 2019 August 2018 Percent Change
Paperback & Mass Market$243.1$264.0-7.9%
Downloaded Audio$43.9$41.55.7%
Physical Audio$2.4$2.7-10.8%
Board Books$17.5$14.719.4%
Physical Total493.7513.9-4.0%
Non-physical Total167.4172.0-2.7%
Data Found Here